We are extremely fortunate to have some incredible local businesses who are passionate about supporting the our work - including the hugely successful Rotary Jacaranda Festival, held each November when the trees are in full bloom
We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to our four fantastic club supporters:
Mont Property is a recognised leader in the sale, leasing and management of premium real estate in Western Australia. This wonderful Applecross-based business shares many values with our Rotary Club - it aims high and does whatever it takes to achieve success.
Pharmacy 777 is a WA business with both its heart and heritage in the Applecross community. Professional and caring, its team encourages positive changes for better health and wellbeing... which we'd like to think means they have a lot in common with our Rotarians

Ross North Developments is one of Perth's premier home builders and developers. The company has a proud local history (operating since 1976, making them just slightly younger than our Club), and it has built its reputation on excellence. They are adept at bringing together the best people to deliver exceptional results - something we also always aspire to as well!
These guys put the apple into Applecross! The Good Grocer is an independent supermarket, stocked to the brim with great produce at everyday prices. With guiding principles including to provide exceptional service, act with integrity at all times and act with environmental sensitivity, we're happy to declare them a 'perfect match' with our Club.