Late in December 2022 Jill Hanna, RYE Chair Elect D9423, advised PP Dr Ian Fairnie that after more than a two-year hiatus due to Covid-19, the RYE program will restart in 2023. The restarting of the Program means that our reciprocal Inbound Exchange Student for our last Outbound Connor Ovens (pictured with Ian prior to leaving for Germany in January 2020) is expected to arrive in July 2023.  Applications for Outbound students who will leave in January 2024 will also be opening soon. 
A meeting was held recently with Ian, Connor (who is the current chair of ROTEX), President Logan, President elect Tom and RYE Chair elect Jill Hanna.  The timeline for what needs to be done before we receive our inbound student is very tight and you will hear more at Tuesday's meeting of what needs to be done.