Looking to 2025 and Beyond Co-Presidents Tom Atkinson & Murray McKay Our final meeting of 2024 included a joint presentation from our Co-Presidents - Tom Atkinson and Murray McKay. This marked the halfway point for their co-presidency, and it was very appropriate that they began by alerting the members that it was time to start constructing the Board for 2025-26, beginning with a President-Elect (or two!). Then the first question asked was: How are we to continue to make our club prosper? A good place to start is our Vision: "To be a Rotary Club recognised by the community for its support of local and international humanitarian activities. This is achieved through the efforts and skills of members working together, strong fellowship and commitment to each other, our families and the community." And then two questions that follow: - How well are we recognised for what we do (how can we improve this)
- How well do we encourage fellowship (ditto)
What is our process for raising funds, trust and hope? The channels we have developed include: - JacFest
- Perth Makers Market
- Rotary Art Show (jointly with RC Melville)
- Community sponsorships through nurturing business relationships
- Individual member donations including those made directly to the Rotary Foundation
- Promotion of club activities
- Guest speakers
- Community relationships – schools / government (local, state, federal)
The process of distributing funds (goal 75% local – 25% international). Beneficiaries (with current Club Champions) currently include: - Starrick Industries (Lorri)
- Shelter Box (Nik)
- Polio plus
- Rotary Foundation
- Youth programs (Logan) – RYE/ RYLA/ RYPEN / NYSF / Handicamp / 4way test
- plus Wheatbelt mentoring (John K)
- JacFest (Chris W) – volunteer support – give back program – can we better promote the supporters we provide?
- Wheatbelt Telethon Hearing assistance program (Tom)
- Kenya project with Mama Respond (Chris W)
- Perth Makers market distribution (Board)
- Speaker donations
- Give a Feed (Ray)
- Living Child (Murray)
- Wheelchairs for Kids (Barry)
- Stitches of Hope/Perth Street Connect - homeless youth (Ian)
Do these need refreshing? Increasing our social footprint: - breakfast meetings – guest speaker schedule
- sundowners
- Rotary network events
- City of Melville events
- Social media
- Melville Cockburn Chamber of Commerce
- Annual events – Changeover in June/July / Christmas
- Vocational visits – so far this year Foodbank / All Saints
- The Applecross Advocate (our weekly bulletin)
- Reduced annual membership fees
The next 6 months: - Complete MOU with All Saints College re Rotary Youth Exchange
- Progress Wheatbelt Hearing Project by securing a Global Grant
- Art Show set up/take down and sales
- Mt Henry Bridge water feature grand opening
- Melville Cockburn Chamber of Commerce - improved involvement
- Perth Makers’ Market parking
- Jacaranda Festival set up
- Continue Wheatbelt mentoring project
Starting with: - New team of old Board and new members, including President Elect(s)
- Complete review of member survey and activities - adopt agreed changes recommended
- Review our ANZAC Day involvement
- Review Perth Makers’ Market processes
- Compile list of speakers and ensure their on-going awareness of the Club
- Review membership fee structure